Wintersteiger Easyrent
A whole host of challenges demand flexible solutions with vision. WINTERSTEIGER Easyrent provides the appropriate products to meet your individual needs, while offering many options for the future.
Even the entry-level package of WINTERSTEIGER Easyrent provides a range of services beyond the market average.
You do not have to miss out on anything, as the modular concept means that you can upgrade functions as needed. Our solution is always in complete harmony with your equipment and needs. The user-friendly Windows interface means that operating WINTERSTEIGER Easyrent could not be easier, regardless of the size and complexity of your package.
By using the most up-to-date hardware and software technology, we are able to guarantee the highest levels of professionalism and reliability.
Modules include:
- EasyReservation – Basic shop based reservation
- OnlineReservation – An online reservation system based in Austria that processes your reservations and downloads them in a batch at pre-determined intervals to lower your computing and internet needs
- EasyCheckIn – So customers can enter their details to save time on a simple terminal before getting to the hire desk
- EasyWare – A system for stock control and sales in a shop
- EasyDepot – A system to manage and administer locker rental
- EasyWork – Workshop organisation made simple!
- EasyGate – Queueing system to prioritise hire spare and ensure efficient hare processes
These are some of the features that can be included in an Easyrent system
Please contact us for more information